The bits they take are from the impractical jokers originals and maybe made some tweeks for it to be newer.. and even comments saying people think it’s “cringe” so it’s funny… just showing a newer generation taking on something that’s been done… which no disrespect cause it’s been done multiple times in other things .. but the skits are unfortunately almost exactly the same. The actual title screen is legit the same with almost the same font…if it’s a first for someone to watch yes.. it’s funny.. but from seeing the original impractical jokers, it really just takes the skits from years ago and portrays it’s some what recently.. just wish if there was a “new portrayal” they wouldn’t use the exact visuals and the same skits. Make it your own and I think it would be awesome. I get that the original jokers only did it in the US but it will depend on the audience that will watch it.. as I enjoyed the US jokers cause it associates with my generation so I think this one will do the same for theirs. Just dislike that they took on the almost exact same replication of the original. Should make it your own!