People I know and love have experienced these things and with every retelling of the victim’s story I felt more and more ill. This is exactly how we re-victimize women. The depiction of officers is so typical and accurate.
I hated every moment. I hated how there was no advocacy. I hated how they bullied her. One of my loved one’s experience was almost exactly like that.
I hate how real this movie is. I hate that women go through this alone with no understanding, no advocacy, no gentleness. I hate how she can get raped by a person and then get raped over and over by the system.
This story is a hard one. It is a real one. It is a universal one. I pray to God there are people who will see it and change their minds, hearts, and attitudes toward rape survivors. I pray the system will change. I pray that people who cannot understand will watch this and see what we’ve done as a society. We’ve made disbelief easier than belief. We’ve made ignoring inconvenient evidence a norm.
God bless the makers of the film. I hope it makes a difference. This is a great, terrible and all too realistic film.