The Prime adaptation is made too with attention to specific intricacies, yet of a different kind;
The set and costume design, visual aspects, tv & sound production, good special effects and high tech., CGI.
Which are all great makings for an epic tv show to enjoy on a big screen.
The Amazon Prime adaptation, is all of that that + some elements from Tolkien’s world, to give it an interesting storyline.
The Amazon crew is focusing specifically more on the production of cinema, rather then holding the story true to Tolkien’s writing of * his mystical world.
If you want to enjoy the author’s true “universe”, for the soul,
Then read the novels and take time with each page.
That is the the closet you will find your self in the essence of Tolkien, and his work.
(And most “ true to the story” as it can get!)
If you desire TV entertainment, especially after a long day, the Amazon prime adaptation is great for that.
Both are wonderful in their own ways.
And this * adaptation * could be alluring to potential new readers and fans, and is a way to continue keeping Tolkien’s legacy alive, even if in this case a smaller part.