Bungie is a shell of what they used to be. Gone is the developer that brought us Halo. Now, they are merely an EA clone. Driven by money and paywalls. You are not purchasing this game. You are renting portions of the game that will be locked behind a paywall with release of new seasons and expansions. You will be forced into some of the most mind-numbing grinding of any game that exists. And if you're a solo player you can forget about a large bit of content. It is rare that the dungeons and raids can be done solo. So you don't even get to experience that content, which will most certainly have weapons and gear locked behind the completion of.
Enemies will rely on bullet spongey, absurd health bars and splash damage the likes of Dark Souls ridiculousness. Not to mention a boring, drawn out story for the sake of selling more and more add-ons.
If you have skipped this up until now, I would continue to skip it. Your enjoyment of gaming will be better for it. I hate gaming every time I am stupid enough to pick this back up and think that anything has changed.