Christian right-wing propaganda disguised as a horror movie. It's made by the God's Not Dead people which should tell you all you need to know. They tacked on a fearmongering PSA before the movie about people trying to take away your guns. Of course as with all their other movies the atheist is the bad guy who sees the light by the end. The movie dedicates an entire portion to an anti-abortion message, also throws in some condemnation of accepting diversity and basically has the overlying message that civilization and humanity are doomed because of who is running things.
The religious fanatics are all rushing to defend and give rave reviews saying they cried and it was the most moving thing they've ever watched, sensible people are leaving the movie ticked off they were duped into a movie under false pretenses, people somewhere in the middle are just saying it's not a good movie in any way shape or form aside from the religious message.
Whatever the case, this movie is getting review bombed...with positive 5-star reviews it clearly does not deserve.