I never really watched the Original until around its final season, but I can became a BIG fan of Charmed! I think Season Four is my favorite and is what really drew me into the series even though I caught it live in its last season. I believe that the fans of the Original are being WAY too harsh on the Reboot! Yes, it has it differences, but that is a GOOD thing! People would be really really upset if it was an exact copy (well, as much as possible) of the Original and thank god its not! Not that I think it would be bad, just that its better to change things up and give a new perspective with a little bit of Old Spice (so to speak) thrown in for good measure! The Reboot is has a LOT of potential and deserves to live a long and fruitful life/run even expanding further beyond the Original! In all honesty, I think the Charmed 2018 may live as long as Supernatural if played right and for god's sake please do NOT cut the episode count down to half or some none sense like that! I know its done for reasons, but don't do that to us Fans! Long Live The Charmed Ones!!!