I felt it was a good limited series. Its on Netflix, you know from the jump its a short series, come on it’s entertainment. Suspend, suspend, suspend or move on! Lotta Siskel/Ebert wannabes attracted to this series but still invested their time watching. Maybe because Erin was a character with a compelling background, granted she’s slight in stature but I found her dilemma intriguing and enjoyable. Yeah okay the fight scenes were a bit embellished. But are all Bond fight scenes or Rocky fights so believable with million spent on the script, the acting, etc etc. Erin, well played. Emilio well played & they actually killed him off! Harper was played very well, she’s precocious and conflicted and deserves to be loved, I was rooting for her happy ending. I give it a soft 4 star because I like new names and new faces in entertainment. Just my opinion.