Being 74 years old and watching General Hospital for ages I am very disturbed with the Carly, Michael and his sisters attitude. It seems that they just did not understand Sonny lost his memory and in the midst of all of that he fell in love with Nina( not that I'm happy about that )I would have preferred him to stay with Carly. Will we ever get one show where someone will grow old together and be happy they all knew what Sonny did and it did not bother them when they were getting what they wanted but now that Sammy has gone through medical problems they're holding him responsible for everything that's wrong I certainly hope this storyline gets better. Josh really needs to be stop trying to be better than everyone she seems so entitled and her love for Sonny all of a sudden has gone down the drain and she's doing the opposite now she's hiding things lying and everything else so what makes her any better I hope this gets a little bit better if not I am going to have to turn it down because I don't think Sonny deserves all the attitude that he is getting. I realize this is such just a show however maybe the writers need a little input from their viewers.