100000000000/5 STARS. THE BEST MARVEL MOVIE EVER. I absolutely loved it, i cried, laughed, cried again, laugh-cried, and smiled so many times that it has totally proven that this movie will be remembered as one of the greatest throughout history so far. Highly HIGHLY recommended. Marvel really has outdone themselves once again ever since Endgame, and i'm totally excited for what happens next! Spider-man was my literal childhood, from Toby, to Andrew, to Tom, and to see how Marvel introduced them all together, creating a PERFECT ending of this amazing chapter, has had me in tears. Deserves ALL the awards. Still recovering from this now closed chapter of my childhood, haha but now I know that Marvel truly is my definite favourite. As a teen, these movies taught me everything, and I thank Marvel for that. AHHHH IM STILL CRYING ITS JUST THE BEST :) x