Don’t waste your money going to this movie if you’re a conservative. The movie is totally slanted to a liberal point of view and it is intended to depict the politicians in it in their worst possible light. I am sure that we could show almost every politician‘s early life in a similar light to how this movie showed Dick Cheney‘s early life. In fact there are politicians now that don’t pay their taxes, that are drunkards, that have extra marital affairs, and worse. The writer should cut the Chaney a break since look at Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates who also also dropped out of college. I haven’t seen any movies that show them in a negative light for dropping out of college and they were very successful no different than Chaney. I’m sure Zuckerberg could get denigrated with regard to the privacy issues that have come up recently on Facebook. As I mentioned, if it was possible to get my money back from going to this movie, I would certainly do so immediately. Don’t waste your money.