I thought that Rebel Moon was visually stunning, had great seeds of world building, and had very interesting characters that played into this dynamic universe that Zack Snyder's trying to build. I love the character of Kora and everything that she embodies in her her whole story. My real problem with Rebel Moon is just simply there wasn't enough time given to all the rest of the supporting characters. Characters like Kai or Nemesis or general Titus only got maybe two or three scenes before we had to push forward and move on to the next story beat. I feel like my main criticism is the fact that he released a cut-up version of his real film. Overarchingly the movie was still a fun ride and to be honest still had a much better story than anything Disney's star wars has put out recently. So that's why I give it a three stars I am hoping that his rated r version fills in these gaps and expands on the characters, the very interesting characters, that he has in his story.