It was enlightening to see what some women go through and struggle with when it comes to sexual trauma. It also helps to understand the type of messages that are being sent to women who watch Netflix. I found it interesting to learn about the sport of pole and how there are competitions around it and a form of dance artistry.
I really had a hard time understanding what the message of the movie was. What I kept understanding the film was communicating is that men are the reason for all this trauma and pain and insecurity in these women’s lives. Phrases like “the masculine critical” or “male gaze”, etc paint this harmful global belief that men are the reason for all this pain. Yet, for the woman whose husband who died- she discovered that her husband was having an affair, and yet she thought that their marriage was moving in the right direction. She was probably just not attractive to him and he was searching for excitement. Many things didn’t add up about all the stories. I absolutely got the sense that Kelly was using peer pressure and social psychology to keep these women in the group for 6 months. I’ve seen what cult tactics are like after having experienced them myself and I spotted them right away in the film. I’ve seen how cultic tactics sell you in empowerment and self-direction and then proceed to control what you think and do. I can see this film generally doing more harm than good for many people. I’m very sorry for Amy Bond who now will have her past mistakes promoted again and potentially affecting her brand. I also dislike how the woman with the conservative husband decided to publish her instagram against his will- person believe that a marriage means deciding things including each other bodies are joint decisions not individual ones. I have found this to be the most successful way to keep stability in my marriage so far.
There’s a woman who leaves the course early and comments about it. I’m very happy she spoke her mind openly because there had to be a devils advocate to provide a perspective where trauma was not the motivating drive for being there. Kelly attempted to immediately reframe the relationship with this woman by saying “you excel a lot of masculine things, but we’re going to XYZ.” That’s an attempt to try and create a problem where there is none and make her feel insecure or at the very minimum insecure about herself so that Kelly can “fix” her.
In the end I’m actually very sorry for all the women in the film. I feel like they were exploited and made to justify their experience with shallow claims of healing or transformation. Unfortunately I wouldn’t hesitate to believe that they ended that program with even more mental heal issues than they started with. Especially after 6 months…