The one I’m watching now, I turned off. The mystery of it was explained right up front. The child who was very young, was told his older sister was murdered and couldn’t handle the information. He was horrified and in order to resolve it mentally he became a murderer himself. No mystery. No one knows how he was told by his mother or if she kept anything back about his sister being murdered by her boyfriend w a .357 magnum. No it’s not his mother’s fault but some things need to be held back from impressionable children. I’m left wondering if he ever got counseling to deal with it. He stated when he was caught he had nothing to lose. That is his grief. Very sad story. We need to understand the psychology of children. Too bad we’re not required to take a class. I made enough mistakes w my children too, thinking they were older in their heads, than they were. This is often bc of single parenting, needing someone to talk to and burdening our children. No mention of a father in this episode.