I like to form my own opinion about things. Some of these reviews are mean spirited and just hurtful. I'm glad that the movie was so diverse. That gave it some hope. It was just as cute and unrealistic as many chic flicks are but it made me feel good in the end. Made me examine some dreams that I put on hold out of fear and or laziness. Remini did way too much though. It was a little hard to watch, some of her parts. Lopez managed to show up her colleagues in the looks and dress department throughout the movie to the point where it seemed like she was walking around with a hype crew. She's beautiful but her attire and glamour seemed a bit out of place much of the time. Those outfits were so sleek! I was surprised with the daughter storyline but it explores a different angle about making mistakes and growing from a girl to a woman. There were cliches everywhere but I wanted something light and kinda fun to watch tonight and that's what I got in the end.