I feel like the only people who hate on this show are dead people because as someone who is in their 20s I live through this show. I love the characters, their lives, and the expectations of an American living in Paris. I love how the show merges different cultures together and at the center of it is an American girl living out her dreams.
I like that we get somewhat of a window view of French people who live in Paris. I don't know what I expected French people to be like but I feel like this show compliments the French.
IMO, the French actors are the comedy in the show, because they're constantly humbling or making fun of Emily. As an American, I find that hilarious.
So yeah I dont understand why the media is constantly pushing the narrative that this show sucks. The show makes you feel kind of optimistic, to pursue your dreams, change your narrative in life, and to find solutions to your problems.
But that's just my narrative ;)