Was really looking forward to watching this and WOW. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of FACTUAL information in this docuseries. However... it is nothing but vegan/anti-meat propaganda. So much so I felt compelled to have to come and figure out how to write a review. This may actually be the most unapologetically biased "science" backed video I have ever watched. Extremely unfortunate because the plot would have been really interesting to become more informed on if it wasn't so biased. To reiterate, they are making factual statements that are anti-meat & pro-vegan but nothing that is discussed in this is new or unique. It is the same repeated statistics you find in any other similar video or article. Funny enough this is based on a study conducted by what appeared to be distinguished PHDs in the field but this is so poorly put together I am more convinced it was pieced together by undergraduates with no degree in a related field who googled everything this series stated. I have never reviewed a video before but this needs to be voiced for what it is. (Also, I hardly eat meat and agree with a lot of their stances, this is just complete garbage)
I am also curious to know how Netflix feels that this series has snuck in multi-minute length advertisements into the video disguised as "content". Again, so comically bad I had to find where I could comment about it.