I feel as if the only way one can say they enjoyed this movie is if they enjoy neo-pagan/satanic witchcraft themes, or they are mentally disturbed and get pleasure out of watching hopeless psychological torture and thrills. The length of the film (2 hr. 27 mins) was a tragic waste of time. I was truly curious what others thought before writing this comment and I am thorougly convinced that if you have enjoyed this movie, possibly to the point of wanting to watch it again, you are either a psychopath, satanists, sociopath, or have endured sexual/mental/emotional trauma and/or abuse at some point in your life. The movie is not enjoyable, and this is coming from someone who has seen all types of horror/slasher film (even the most disturbing of the bunch) which is not limited too but includes this film. Not to mention, if someone wanted to watch half the explicit and unnecessary nudity that is present in the film, they could probably find soft pornography less intense than some of the scenes. I give it a 3/10 because the actors weren't bad, but the theme, plot, climax, and conclusion were horribly created. Good luck to anyone wanting to watch it, it strikes me as a film they would use as MK Ultra to see how much they can screw up someone's psyche.