I didn’t truly appreciate this game until I chose to replay it on hardcore mode after a full year of playing other Resident Evil games. I originally believed the negative critics after playing it on normal difficulty and I didn’t go back to it until I decided to finally give it another go on hardcore mode. Hardcore mode was wonderful, and the challenge was just right. Anyone that tries to say this isn’t a survival horror game is wrong. The ammo becomes more scarce, and by the end boss battle I only had a few shotgun shells, and my pistol, but that’s all you need during the last battle. Speaking of bosses, this game has some of the best I have ever played in a Resident Evil game. I had so much fun, even when I was dying. When I first played the game a year ago, I struggled with getting the hang of the dodge mechanic, but after getting used to blocking enemy attacks while playing Resident Evil 8, I immediately got the hang of it in my second run. I am so happy I decided to finally go back and play this game again. This game is not meant to replace the original. RE 2, and RE 3 remake are their own games, and they are both worthy of mainline status. Honestly the last 4 RE games are 4 of the best video games I have ever played and I am not over exaggerating. I can’t wait to play this game more on its higher difficulty settings.