"Killers of the Flower Moon" is a 2023 American epic Western crime drama film directed and co-produced by Martin Scorsese. Co-written by Scorsese and Eric Roth, the film is based on David Grann's 2017 non-fiction book, unfolding in 1920s Oklahoma around a series of murders targeting Osage members after the discovery of oil. The Osage Nation, with mineral rights on their reservation, faces exploitation by opportunistic individuals.
Boasting a stellar ensemble cast led by Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone, the film marks significant collaborations between Scorsese, DiCaprio, and De Niro. Dedicated to the late composer Robbie Robertson, the movie promises a compelling exploration of a dark chapter in American history. Visually stunning with meticulous attention to historical accuracy, the film blends crime, conspiracy, and tragedy, delivering outstanding performances and a poignant commentary on systemic issues. With a haunting musical score, "Killers of the Flower Moon" transcends the screen, leaving a lasting impact as a must-watch cinematic masterpiece.