One cannot express this with words, if done.. words overflow occurs
A movie that happens deep inside a deserted forest.. surrounded by mountains, rivers.. and beautiful background
Deserted land, huge hospital where hell of creepy things occur.
Even if I give out spoilers, its the movie visuals that treats the eye laying structure for the script
Fahad fasil, occurs to present himself before the hospital, a mental hospital to be precise, for an inspection of the disallowed practises being carried out for treating of patients there
He is in a quest to disprove the validity of the hospital and its doctor (Mr. kulkarni, as always shines in his role)
His quest brings out many revelations about the darker sides. A prisoner, who is under treatment for autistic and violent behaviour is the stone to turn.
He turns the stone and the hunt begins.
Movie swifts like reader turning pages of book for climax. Each and every pages of script is beautiful to watch
Athiran goes to any extent. Hence Athiran