On Xbox Series X the controls are ok, but even with all assists off, there is still hidden traction control on, restricting any tire spin in first gear. The game doesn’t let you spin the wheels, which is odd. There is also no clutch button mappable. Maybe the auto clutch is turning on eliminating tire spin, I don’t know. It definitely doesn’t feel like a sim when it’s trying to control things for you. It’s still a fun game, and challenging, but it’s sad that arcade racers like Grid 2019 are more simmy in their handling physics and features than this game. In Grid 2019, you want all assists off, they’re off. Also, you can’t control the 360 camera with the right stick, so dumb, you have to use buttons, why? Graphics also look dated and less polished than arcade racers of the same generation and the framrate is awful with occasional studders. The menus are also very confusing and badly laid out and there’s no description on some settings requiring you to google what that setting actually does. ACC just feels unfinished, like the developers got tired at 60% completion and just released it anyway. It’s 2024 and this game still has issues. It’s not “60 fps smooth” as advertised. It has alot of potential I can see, it’s just not polished.