FIX THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! You have one game to keep good and you cant do that Ubisoft. Review of a game i played okay here we go - 2 quick plays cause im bored i won both take a 2 hr break then first game of ranked with a friend trying to have fun lets see how this goes - oh nice 4 stack of xbox - oh way they are camping scared on both sides. They tea bag after camping defuser. Goes to over time friend gets kicked cause trash servers, yeah he got temp ban u all ready know. You think i had fun Ubisoft. STOP MAKING RANKED BE UNEVEN AND STOP GOING OFF LAST GAME IF ITS NOT EVEN THE SAME PLAYLIST!!!!!! STOP TRYINF TO MAKE A COMBAT GAME WITH A BLU HAIRED DEV TEAM THAT HAS NEVER SEEN COMBAT IN THERE LIFE!!!!!!
Day 2 - playstation shutoff randomly thats not on yall but what is that it took me a while round to even join then after it autos select my op for the next it kicked me after a 5 min wait cause the sever had a mental break down trying to add me back