Should have named it Tink and Wendy. Peter had zero charisma or personality of any kind (confidence, arrogance, excitment, boyish charm, etc). Tink made Wendy fly. Tink saved Wendy with Peter nowhere to be found. Tink saved Michael and John. Tink Tink Tink. If Peter dropped from the movie, we wouldn't notice outside battles with Hook.
No chemistry between Wendy and Peter therefore no jealousy or sass from Tink. Tink was actually more Wendy's friend, so her beloved character was trashed. Oh. And Tink is described as a "ball of light"...she didnt even glow. What was the temptation for Peter to grow up without temptation of love or family? Disney threw in a "kiss" just because where it made zero sense.
Neverland has NEVERbeen less magical. A boring green island. Where was the imagination? No story telling except for one tiny instance. No make-believe family. No games. No laughter.
More lost girls than lost boys. "Girls are much to clever to fall out of their prams."
Tiger Lily was just tossed in for the sake of being tossed in. Had no story to her.
Overall terrible and I kept pausing to see how much time I had left to endure this nonsense. Go watch Hook or Peter Pan (2003) if you want good Peter Pan movies to watch.