Intriguing. Excellent cast. For once a unique storyline that not only draws you in but unlike most tv, requires you to focus on it, to concentrate, so it makes you switch off your computer or social media and JUST watch it! There are scientific facts within, details of mythology, so many strands that grabs individuals attention. It is so clever that you notice more and more things you missed first time around from further watching of it. I've seen the entire series twice now, once when I began to watch it, secondly so my husband could see it and enjoyed it so much, I intend to watch it again. The characters are well observed and similarities occur across the layers, which does add weight to the nature versus nurture debate. There are characters you find sympathetic and care about and those to dislike intensely, to root for in different ways. The notion of 33 being a theme consistent in history is intriguing as well. Christ died aged 33 according to scripture and as a result cardinals have 33 buttons on their gowns. The triquetra is adopted as a symbol by many societies - the celtic trilogy knot for instance. There really IS something for everyone in this series and I cannot rate it highly enough. The music is evocative and hauntingly beautiful. So much so, I tracked down the album by the musicians that opens the show and it is well worth listening to separately. ENJOY!!!