I had watched this the same year i had been tasked with reading the poem as curriculum at 15-16/sophomore year...What some people fail to realize is this is a MOVIE/ADAPTATION.
Its quite obvious some/which ppl are fans of the "MESSAGE" of the original story the allegorical message/theme...But like me and others....we cater/tend to value more the JOURNEY of the story in both senses.
On that basis ill give this movie a 5...at the the time the visuals were quite groundbreaking, The despictionary aspects of how this movie was structured/sold IMO was in line with the thematic/message it was conveying.
Placing only value/emphasis to the orignal content to me discounts the aspects of knowing that wasnt the INTENT behind this movie....or consuming it as a form of media/medium...also valuing/entailing the entertainment/captivation aspect the movie brought fourth.
Similar to the effect of watching something like avatar.
Clearly you wont have to look far for critique from a more "original content" basis or those clearly of a younger generation somewhat "coerced" to watching this movie out of curiosity....judging the "visuals" as dated or lacking of substance...w.o any emphasis on perspective is somewhat telling of their POV. Or their expectations when consuming/viewing a movie. Met with their low opinion of this movie.
To me it stands on its own/as its own product and i veiw it as such with knowledge/understanding of the source/material.
NO different than if you see allegorical/character development or challanges and aspects depicted in modern/other fiction/epic "media/movie characters and the parallels/intersections of these modicum. Which is what i take from this movie or the value i place emphasis on. Which is why im not critical towards it.
From a movie standpoint its a great movie/journey...for ppl that want to be overtly INSIGHTFUL or expect a movie to be utilized for educational purposes...well then i can also understand those ppls concerns.
Its a matter or perspective/expectations and ability to digest messages/valuing things on a conceptual basis of modicum...again vs completely holding aspects of value/emphasis to source material...again circling back to the reader/consumer with the poem...You either liked the poem bc of the JOURNEY...or purely for the allegorical/value. Which will HIGHLY determine your opinion of this movie.
Plus the lackc of adherence to the source material at times points out ppl willing to do a cheapshot book report on it thus proving theyre basing such notions from a "HOLLYWOOD MOVIE" than sentimentality towards understanding of the source material/allegorical value aspects...and how to see these allegory in other poems/epics protagonists character values.