Such an unrealistic and poorly written show. First, reacher is a huge perfectly shaped bodybuilder that lives as a hobo. Unrealistic to maintain a physique like that eating in dinners and living on the road without a gym workout everyday. Just the protein intake would be a regiment in itself. Secondly, killing that many people and having the Police help cover them up is just bad writing…period. Also, when someone has a cinderblock smashed over the back of their head, they don’t just get up and continue fighting unfazed. Obviously, the director and writers have never been in a real fight. Let’s not forget that construction sites, do not leave wet concrete in huge tubs after hours for people to bury bodies in at will….more bad writing. Factory workers, even if involved in crime are not going to continue working when a mother and her children are about to be killed. Sorry, The world is not that bad of a place yet. I dont blame any of the actors for this train wreck of directing and writing. There have been many great detective shows, but this isn't one. Prime, you need a better director and professional law enforcement/military consultants. CID with all officers in the 110 acting like enlisted and only one MstSgt…..doesn't make sense to anyone who served in the military. An officers can have enlisted in the O-Club upon invitation. Consultants can really help writers and directors not loose military and law enforcement audiences.