An amazing shooter with lots of variety in both cosmetics and modes,with many weapons, titans, pilot abilities, pilot and gun colors/camo, maps, factions, banner cards and animations within combat [take downs and titan executions].
The pilot gameplay is very skilled based and rewarding when you improve and work with your minimal health and wide skill set, along with your amazing movement options to out skill other pilots and even titans if you are skilled enough to not be smashed to pieces while going for their power cell.
And the titan gameplay makes you feel powerful,yet paranoid as you become a focused on target,with the feeling that in the moment you are one of the key players in the game. Forcing you to use your titan kit to slaughter through waves of grunts,reapers and pilots and have tense battles against other titans and using your limited anti pilot measures to fight off and destroy players looking for an opening to get on top and damage you for insane damage. This all makes for one of the most fun, deep, tense, fast and thrilling games I've played.
It's also extremely fun and has many rewards for continued play, and the later added "frontier defense" mode is a great player vs npc mode with many difficulty choices and mode only titan mods to make you feel even more powerful with up to 3 friends in a very fun power trip filled blast.
As well as a wonderful story with interesting lore and great level design[in both layout, graphics and game play twists used by many levels to keep it interesting and fresh]. And to top it all off, great main characters and fun villain/boss encounters within a story that has an emotional ending due to its good writing that gives the player a real sense of connection to he story and world that respawn builds.
As of this time titanfall 3 is not confirmed to be in development yet but rumors appear all the time about it. However I can say that if it improves on this game as well as continues the surprisingly great story of this game, then I can safety say that it could, like this game[to me], be one of the greatest first person shooters of all time.