This was possibly one of, if not, the worst movie I have ever seen. The only reason I watched it was because of Pedro Pascal, but even he didn't salvage this train-wreck. I don't usually like to watch movies where children are the main focus, and this is the reason why. The acting was honestly terrible, and the script had me in a ball on the floor wanting to cut my ears off. There were so many things in this movie that could have just *not been in it*. Too many clichés were used without good context and a lot of the powers just didn't make any sense. Did the main girl just not have powers?? What disappointed me the most in this movie had to be the costumes. Shark-boy and Lava girl's costumes were so much worse than the first movie and that's surprising considering the first movie was put out about a century ago. Pedro Pascal's character barely had a costume, and his was still the best in the whole movie. Listen, I didn't expect the kids to be award winning actors, but their acting was so choppy and unbelievable. The horrendous script definitely added fuel to the fire. I almost forgot to mention how bad the editing was. In multiple scenes it looked like it could have been straight out of google Powerpoints. So many scenes just felt awkward and "weak" because there weren't any effects put, for example, whenever the youngest water shark girl thing put on the glasses and turned on a "shark ultimate" sort of thing, it felt really awkward because they just seemed like normal glasses. If ratings could go into the negatives, i would rate it -10486248 without hesitation.