I was up in the wee hours last night finishing this book...so I wanted to let you know right away how deeply it touched me.
I loved it and, more to the point, it opened a door wider for me, to feel into and be able to say what my part of this story is.
I have not had the experience of meeting another human who had a story that so dovetailed with things as I see/feel them.
I loved the story and the way you developed it, loved the way it stayed in the physical known world, then moved into the imagined in such a way that it opened the door to being right here in the classroom on Pleiades.
And the way you developed all that without getting preachy, losing the feeling of story...well done!
Then the building anticipation of how and when the meetings would begin to take place...the setting up of coincidences and then bouncing to another at just the right moment...frustrating as it was at the moment!! (Which is why I ended up reading instead of sleeping between 1:30 and 2:30 this morning! LOL)
SO...yes. I loved your book, and even more to the point, I loved the experience of it.
And I love how I feel now, which is more centered in my own self-compassion, which I believe is the part of this puzzle I am seeking the answers for:
How do I truly live in and trust the generosity of spirit that is my native ground, and which I was born being able to access naturally, then lost through the trauma of forgetting?
Which for me is really the question of, how do I include myself in the generosity, after being raised in a world where it was SO deemed to be selfish and shameful to do so?
How do I now give myself the benefit of the doubt in all these weird musings, understandings, coincidences, visions, experiences that are so far beyond what has been allowed to be trusted in our 3D world?
This morning I am feeling so much inside. Self appreciation, compassion, love, excitement, joy...which I will be carrying out into the world today, and sharing even more.
So yes - kindness to myself begets kindness and generosity begets generosity and you have helped me stand more clearly in that space, in this world right here right now.
THANK YOU for your kindness and generosity.
And putting this writing into the world.
And into my hands.