While the fundamental game is fantastic, the destruction is very fun and looks great, the campaign is a frustrating and confusing slog from start to finish. Who in their right mind would look at Teardown and say 'we should focus the entire campaign on the movement system, rather than, you know, the tearing stuff down?' Over and over, dozens of stupid run around and steal stuff missions and only a handful of actual destruction missions. You unlock more and better destruction tools over time, but never use them because they game never has you do anything that would need them. The most common use of the tools, by far, is opening doors. That's it. And don't assume the missions are easy or fun or pleasant in any way, they aren't. The built in time limit on all these things is always WAY too short, usually only 1 minute. With the difficulty sliders, you can up that to 2 minutes, but even that is frustratingly short for what they want you to do and many of these missions are shot through with small details that seem to be there to be purposefully annoying. Possibly the only good decision made in the campaign was including the option to skip missions, which you will definitely do trying to get to the much more fun destruction, right up until you realize there are almost none of them.
So pretty great game, but ignore the campaign and shame the idiots that were obviously so badly confused about what made the game fun and interesting.