The author thinks very highly of herself and comes off as very narcissistic, which is not surprising, given that she is a Trump. She views all her family in a negative light and I doubt it was really that bad growing up in a family with that much money. She chastised her grandmother and grandfather believing in traditional gender roles, which for normal for a family in that time period. Her, her mom and father are the only ones talked about positively, as if they are the only members of her family that are good. She blames the rest of the family for her father's chronic alcoholism, absolving him of any blame for his own behavior, being drunk while flying an commercial airplane, constantly losing jobs and being a drunk. All of which she should recognize, as a trained phycologist, the negative effect a parents alcoholism has on the family unit.
I am not a fan of Trump, I think he is a horrible president. But this books comes off as a bitter slander job again her famous family and to blame them for her own father's personal demons.