Really disappointed with this film…
Ryan Reynolds tries too hard to be funny in this movie, and most of the jokes don't land, which also lessens the impact of the few that do.
I think a slightly more serious tone could have helped create an emotional connection with the characters. And made the funny moments more funny. The first two films had a better balance of serious and funny moments. For example, this film misses out on exploring Wolverine's tragic past in depth, and jumps straight back to more unfunny Ryan Renalds jokes. They could have showed us flashbacks and explained things in more detail but instead just gave us two short monologues, and then straight back to the garbage. Seriously, if you found yourself laughing at the majority of the jokes in this film then you must have the driest sense of humour, cause they really weren’t that funny.
I did really love the action scenes and I thought the costumes were so cool, but for me the plot felt weak, the villain was lackluster, and there were just too many forced jokes. The film never felt like the characters were in any real danger, partly due to lazy writing. For example, the ending (spoiler alert) where deadpool and wolverine take down an army of other deadpools was a great action sequence. But after they kill them all, the deadpools all regenerate and instead of facing another intense battle, Peter appears, and all the Deadpools rush to greet him because they all love Peter. This moment felt cheap and wasn’t that funny, depriving us of what could have been another exciting action scene with stakes and rising tension. Instead it felt too easy and came across to me as lazy writing.
Also the cameos didn't add much; a stronger story and better plot development would have been more satisfying in my opinion.