In the comedy/drama series, "Servant of the People," we step back 7 years to meet Zelensky as he portrays a popular history teacher who becomes President of Ukraine. In real life, Zekensky parlays that role into actually becoming...wait for it...the President of Ukraine.
This engaging show introduces us to the humor, the character and the heart of a President who stands up to tyranny. Today, Zelensky is the "Little Engine who Could," inspiring Ukraine to battle Putin's military invasion as they endeavor to hold onto democracy.
Servant of the People is expansive with brilliantly funny shtick weaving throughout captivating drama. The settings are fantastic: gorgeous scenery and detailed interiors. The characters are endearing, intriguing, colorful. The writing is absolutely spot-on.
If you enjoy binge-worthy entertainment, this show hits on every note. If you're interested in the man who created a character so inspiring that he actually becomes President of Ukraine, Servant of the People is better at painting this portrait than a million news stories ever could.