Ugh….i would urge potential purchasers to read these reviews. I didn’t. When I was doing a quick lookup in the game shop, I saw the first few raving about it ; but in hindsight at least one of them just looks severely biased and several others I think must have been playing a different game to me and a large number of other people who’ve reviewed this game.
Tried to get into this for a good hour but it’s going to be returned to the shop tomorrow, even if it means just trading it in against something else, because I’m not going to want to play this at all.
Intro is very slow with nothing to do.
First encounters with rogue robots seem easy enough, then you get to the first robot you need to “dodge” attacks. lol! If only you could. Useless combat mechanics means even trying to perform one dodge is a miracle if you manage it. Then if you do, you’re left swinging the only weapon you have, an axe, like a half-drunk lumberjack. It’s so slow it’s laughable.
Then there’s the dialogue. Diabolical doesn’t do it justice. Reminded me of playing online 25 years or so ago, where games seemed to be populated by pre-teenage kids who seemed to think being an adult meant cramming as many expletives into a sentence as possible, regardless of if it’s warranted or not.
Not forgetting the talking glove that doesn’t shut up, which in turn prompts a constant deluge of whinging, attempted-smart-and-humorous (but failed) responses from the main character.
Supposed to be open world, but most of what i slogged through seemed anything but.
Having recently completed cyberpunk for about the 6th time, plagues tale and replayed a few uncharted games again, I was after something of a similar standard. Engaging story, good exploration, and generally something to get stuck into.
This is not it. Not by a long shot.
I never really liked bioshock, but this is clearly based on the same theme, but done way, way worse. Fallout 4 was so much better. They’re the 2 games that this looks to have tried to replicate and combine, but it’s so badly executed it’s not even funny.
Seriously, don’t waste your money on this tosh.