I can sort of see why some people absolutely despise this game, but I personally enjoyed it. But I admit there were some things that I hated.
-I love the variety of pokemon you can catch pretty much everywhere, kinda makes up for a few hundred other pokemon being removed since its much easier to build a team now.
-The wild area is crazy cool except for the PS2 trees and the wonky rendering. Also there's a random ghost tower that contains.... Nothing? I guess?
-Gym battles are cool no matter the difficulty. The music and crowd in the background really get you pumped up.
-The battle tower post game is very fun to grind out.
-I love the character customization.
-It's so easy to go around the region now with flying taxis and such.
-The new camping feature is absolutely adorable and I love it. I was afraid it was gonna be something like poffins from gen 4 where I didn't care to do it at all since it was strange and unnecessary to the main game, but camping is a fun and unique idea.
-All the characters to me are amazing, EXCEPT HOP. Hop is your rival in this game, and there are so many reused animations from sun and moon with Hau its not even funny. Not only that, he is super easy to beat, and he annoys you nearly every step of the way in this game when you just want to move on with the game or just have some freedom.
-Double kick is the laziest animation I've ever seen in any video game ever, trees look horrific for a console as powerful as the switch, and people, pokemon, and environments will just render in and out of existence depending on your distance from them. It's very bizarre.
-Absolutely nothing happens in the story until you beat all 8 of the gyms AND win your way to the champion. Only when you're about to face the champion does something happen.
-You can only catch TWO legendary pokemon TOTAL in this game. The one on your select game cover, and one other one which I won't spoil for those who haven't played yet.
-I know, I think it's hilarious just as much as the next guy, but the fact that some wild pokemon will just CHARGE at you FULL SPEED while I'm trying to stop and save, or connect online to trade is just really annoying and stupid.
-Speaking of online, dynamax online raids DO NOT WORK AT ALL if you try to invite fellow players to help you out. I just don't bother to search for people and do it with CPUs every time now.
Conclusion: If you're a perfectionist, don't play this game, it'll trigger you a lot. But if you love pokemon and don't care that much about the above issues, then I would absolutely recommend this game. It's really, really fun for the most part. I've already played through this game 3 times, and completed the pokedex and its been a blast for me at least.