I love Colleen’s books so much. Although I think It starts with us isn’t as good as the first book, I find it great that Lily and Atlas could finally get together. I’m reading all the comments saying it was rushed, and I kinda understand that. Towards the end of the book there is like 3 time skips and I got confused for a sec coming from the last chapter. However, I beg of you Colleen, please write another book (sequel to the sequel lol) on Josh and Theo. I made my own little ending to their story in my head. It would be them as older teens, still close friends, both of them introduced to dating, Theo’s heart is broken, and Josh is there for him as always. I want them to have a romantic connection gradually formed, with Josh being like an over protective brother to him. Lily and Atlas would be in the background of the book happily married, with their little garden and baby. Love you Colleen 💗