I liked the entire story till the last 2 episodes of S1, where it started to be unrealistic..... Jojo and Hye yeong 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.
I absolutely hated the ending S2. Jojo didn't even consider Hey yeong's existence right from the start, she falls in love with Sun Oh when she is already in a relationship with Ill Shik he also loves her like Hey yeong then why was he rejected, she can't stay friends with anyone doesn't trust anyone..... .Just because she feels something she leaves him and uses the shield, because she wants someone she rings Hey yeong's Alarm.
Jojo comes out to be the most selfish character. Their Love story in the end also doesn't make sense. Kim Sun Hyundai always does such kinds of dramas, should I stop watching Dramas that cast her.....
What Duk Gu also says in the ending of S2 is senseless, feels completely out of line, feels as it's just brought together because they want to bring Jojo and Hye yeong together. She has always seen Sun Oh's alarm ring and truly speaking if it wasn't the app to decide. Sun Oh's love for her is true.
It felt too stupid to be true....... The only fault that Sun Oh has is that he is rich. Jojo is selfish in her relationship and so is Hye yeong.... They are the most unfaithful to feelings like Love and Friendship.....
I had initially given 2 Stars, as I felt the story line was good it talks about how people can't express themselves and need machines to do so. How attraction is misjudged as Love, How people feel lonely when someone doesn't love them.
But it became a stupid Indian serial after all which I hate watching because of this stupidity and illogical story.
Please don't make another romantic story like this one. I love K Drama, don't want to stop liking them.