I'm in love with this game. I'd describe it as a mash up between Unraveled, Inside, and Little Nightmares. Everything good about it has already been said. It was beautiful, immersive, fascinating, moving. The simplicity of B12's dialogue was wonderful. I loved every minute of it and the very last second of it hints at a possible Stray 2. If I had to make one criticism; it would be that sometimes I wished there had been a few more difficult parts, but it seems churlish to say. Buy it. You don't need to like cats to love this game.
Playing as a cat adds a philosophical layer. It reminds us of our supreme irrelevance: "after all that", all that effort and turmoil, you disappear into the night and probably will never be remembered or known for the things you did in your life. Not in a depressing way, in a comforting way. We're all just passing by, and sometimes we can do remarkable things.