Great Continental Railway Journeys - Linz to Bratislava - 2/9/20.
I like Michaels programs, especially these journeys and his style of presenting so I was really looking forward to this one as it was also meant to include Bratislava where I am from.
It looked as if he was given an instruction - perhaps by BBC:
You have to go there, as it exist and it is a capital city. But spend as little time there as possible, don't bother to see anything from the town, and don't look for some local guide. We have an Irishman there, he will say something (I have nothing against Irishman or against this particular one, although what he had to say referred more to the rural Slovakia than to Bratislava as such), visit the castle on the hill, say something about Habsburgs , take a bird's view of the bridge and the city and go. 2min.should be enough. All totally uninteresting and unimportant, just a small place - unfortunately a part of Central Europe, so it has to be included.
Why do I suspect BBC rather than Michael? I have had this impression of BBC and its attitude to that part of the world for some time already, for example when reporting about the Coronavirus.However - not appropriate to expand on this, as this is about Michael and not BBC.
However, if it were Michael structuring his program in this way, I apologize to BBC.
3 stars are on account of the rest of the program.
Helen Coufalik,