I feel like all the complains have been solved with the update.
But yes this is a game for gamers.
This is my favorite game (I have 200hrs on it) and the more I play it the more I notice little details that makes the game even greater.
Pros :
- replayability / content (harder difficulty, gameplay modifiées, Arena and challenges)
- animations (oh boy you have to see it, and i am still discovering some of the "hidden" moves)
- gameplay (difficult at first but progessively learned and sont satisfaying)
- art style (spoken madarin / cantonese / english, the lore, stylized graphics, level design and combat scenes, music and sound design)
- the story (not too complicated but have some deeper meanings if you did a little)
Cons :
- not a game for every one (easy difficulty availlable but the game is made to be learned)
- maybe a bit addictive
Conclusion :
Not a classic combat game, its something unique that i didnt find anywhere else
Kind of an hybrid between an aventure game (ghost of sushima, god of War, sekiro, elden rings) and a combat game (Tekken, street fighter, mortal kombat) in a chinese old style karate setting.
If these mean anything to you you should buy the game.
Have a good game !