When I was young and naive, I used to mock this movie because of the bad graphics and maybe bad acting and I never finished it, after I grow up and I understand what is a Film including directing and script writing and of course acting, I realized that this is one of the best thriller movies I have watched and of course it's one of my top ten right now, for one who study directing I have to say that I really like the way of directing and how the director let us feel the nervousness of the actors by the camera movements like the crash zooming in and out and the push in and pull out and the random shake movement, I also like the acting because it was realistic and there was no overacting, the movie shows greatly how people can be in chaos if the world is not stable and how they can believe in anything that stronger than them so they can survive by it and how the people who lose hope and patience quickly can be quickly damaged but in the same time how the people who bravery take risk for there lovers can survive like the first lady who went out the store and of course how people can blame the person who works for huge organization but he is only a soldier who has not authority on any of this.
Some reviews said that they could wait in the car for days especially because they have food and water, but it's not about food and water, it's about how they felt doomed when they saw the mist everywhere and they saw this big creature at the end that was bigger than everything and no one can stop this so it's defiantly the end of the world and when the fuel is done we will be also done, this ending make sense to me especially with this characters in the car.
Maybe it's still bad graphics but we have to appreciate that this movie was 2007 plus I personally don't care about graphics if the movie has great script writing and beautiful directng.