Very poorly written, characters are just flat out dumb and they don’t seem to have any clue what story they are trying to tell.
The monsters are super inconsistent, the time that each person is given is completely random and whenever we find out a character has gotten the decree, they always say that the monsters are coming in 10 minutes or Today. Bad, repetitive writing. This show could have been one episode long.
The inconsistency with the monsters hit a major bump when they were supposed to kill the baby, not that I wanted a baby to die but let’s be real… ok, let’s say that the two parents saving their baby by burning themselves would actually work which is silly in itself, if the creatures are in fact, supernatural, I don’t think they would be easily fooled like that but ok. When they come to get the other guy, not only do they do some crazy maneuvers that we’ve never seen them do before, but how would they not know the baby is still alive which would obviously be crying.
Honestly, I can hardly even put into words how bad this show is, there is just so much that this post would be a novel if I continued on.
One more thing though, the idea that the show is more about society and nature than it is about the monsters is true but it just isn’t done right. If you want a show that actually does that premise beautifully, watch The Leftovers. That show is about 2% of the population suddenly disappearing and it follows what would happen to society and nature if something unexplainable like that actually happened and they do it brilliantly, thank me later.