This show is really good and i love all seasons except for 7. Season 4 is the best one because of the storyline, humor and barrys hair. Season 2 is a close second though because Zoom was my favourite villain. Also a lot of people don't like iris but i think she is very badass, sweet and loving. I do ship westallen but I also ship snowbarry. Caitlin is one of the best characters ever. She is amazing. I think snowbarry would be a really good couple and so is westallen. I really like frost as well. I preferred her in Caitlin's mind rather than separated but she's still amazing. I like that they showed two sides of her: being evil, teaming up with Savitar and turning on team flash. Then, her being a part of team flash and helping stop metas. Cisco is one of my favourite fictional characters. His humor isn't like trying too hard. He's just funny. I'm sad he left the show but he was still an awesome character. Every harrison wells is awesome. Harry wells is so cool and i love him and cisco's bond. Joe is one of the best characters because he is literally everything you could ever ask for. Kind, caring, loving. He is also a police officer which just makes him so much better. He manages to be a dad, police officer, member of team flash and a great person. Joe's girlfriend, cecile is also just perfect. I'm so glad they made her a main character in season 4. (Another reason why season 4 is awesome) and barry. JUST PERFECT. Grant gustin's portrayal of this character is amazing. He is so good at acting. Barry's character is so sweet and he is thoughtful. AND HE'S HOT. The villains in this show are also really good. Zoom is my favourite villain because he really gives off villain energy. He is honestly terrifying. He's a psychopath but that makes him really interesting. I literally cried when he killed barry's father. He's evil. Savitar is probably my second favourite. He's so cool and the concept of him being a future version of barry is so creative. I like how devoe is a different type of villain and cicada was ok i guess. Bloodwork is also pretty cool. I didn't like the crisis storyline though. I'm really sad harry and jesse are dead. Mirror monarch could have been so much better. Forces was just trash. Godspeed, the allegra storyline and all those other filler arcs in season 7 were bad. I like the nora storyline in season 5. I think it was pretty cool.
Season 1,2,3,4,5, half of 6 are good seasons but season 7 is not good