the game is absolute garbage at these point. I have been playing the game since launch for the past 2 weeks and just giving it a chance and giving it a chance and I'm done. 1 supposedly the ttk is supposed to be longer than CoD. we'll that's a lie because it feels like I'm get killed with 2 shots every single time. while I have to hit them like 7 or 8 times to kill them. 2 supposedly there's no SBMM yet for the most part I get paired up with teammates that can barely get to 15 kills and almosy everyone have negative KDs while the other team have everyone with positive KDs and up to 30 or 40 kills. and in order for me to win 1 game or 2 I hace to lose 6 or 7 games first. 3 the challenges to unlock the characters are dumb specially the healer ones. 4 the ability have no counter measure and the character with the wallhacks is ridiculous. 5 I keep getting killed after getting into cover. 6 there are so many cheaters that just will never let you have fun. for some reason almost every game there's someone that always knows where are I'm coming from and always pre shooting around corners. 7 sniper are ridiculous and makes no sense that all sniper have to do is aim towards your general direction and shoot and they get a kill. on top of that when you are lucky enough to get a hit in them they have no flinch so they can still just one shot kill you and never miss. 8 leveling up the guns is ridiculously long. makes no sense. 9 there's no kill cam. that's dumb specially with the fact that there are a lot of cheater in the game. 10 why is there no prone on the game. it's a shooter game. because there is no prone you can never get into cover because all cover even when you crouch your head still visible. it's dumb there is no prone. 11 spawning is crazy. it feels like there's always an enemy behind me every time I walk 10 meter from my spawn let alone every time I kill 1 or 2 ppl there seems to be a couple of enemies behind and can barely get into any streaks.
in conclusion I'm done with these garbage game. I'm going back to CoD. I'll probably be back when they patch the game just to try it and give it another chance. but as of now the game is garbage.