His only wife? Where do I begin? This was the first time I was reading a book by the writer and it is safe to say, after completing the book that I'm a fan already. The book was beautifully written, well detailed with well crafted descriptions. A beautiful book that to me, isn't relatable but then, things dey happen these days, might be someone's story as we speak.
The book at first started slow, I love a fast tracked book with every sentence intense but this was somewhat slow at the beginning but nice. Didn't have much interest in it at first as it felt like one of those books I read for literature in English class while in high school but then, gradually I started getting hooked till at some point, I just couldn't stop. The writer merged modern and country life in the story. Without ever being in Ghana, I've learnt a thing or so about the people, their culture and lifestyle from just reading this book. And then what it feels like to once be broke and then finding yourself in so much wealth the next day cannot be explained better than how the writer explained it in this amazing story about love, family, marriage and culture.
It's actually not everyday you read a story like this with this kind of ending, such that has a different ending from the natural endings of stories like this one. There were a few wins but no happy ending for anyone as everyone had lost something by the end of the book.
Ahn, beautiful, beautiful story. Afiiii, calm and timid, the child who was told what to do and what not to do suddenly grew wings and flew, oh she flew. The turn she took? Afi, I didn't see it coming and the divorce? The girl was not a child anymore, she had learnt how to fly.
But in all, she was strong. Strength is all that should be said at the mention of the name Afi, because her strength was rare and she had a good fight. Even though she didn't get all she wanted out of life, she got most of it and that most was really all that she needed to do just fine. To her, to the life she created and to her son, cheers. 🥂