None of them especially Sunny and Joy have Anything Nice or Kind to say about anyone who believes differently than They do, namely Republicans!! THEY race bait, and are extremely Prejudice!! I seriously Doubt anything Will be done to either of them, like Sunny calling American white women Roaches and didn't even Apologize,Whoopie had to apologize when she made ignorant,biais remarks about Jewish People!! That Ana can call herself Republican until the cows come home, She's Not 🚫 Ana pretends for two Jobs! I personally Don't Believe Barbara Walters set This LYING Foolishness, Hypothetically Jokers up to do the show this Way!! Whoopie talking about People laughing and being Disrespectful to joe and His Multiple LIES INCOMPETENT UNCARING about American Citizens, except Dems and Rich, and yet she defends Pelosi for ripping up Trump's papers in front of the World 🌎 I Think you need to get more independent minded people and Real Republicans or just be done with the Show and try to put on something with more FAIR and Balanced, Honest People or just Cancel ❌✖️❌ I used to love this Show along with Many OTHER People, Now just sometimes watch to see if anyone changed and is More fair and Balanced Honest the Way it Used to be, NOPE, GETTING WORSE INSTEAD!! TRULY SAD!! Even Allyssa had to call out Ana on the Treatment of her and yet it appears Absolutely Nothing was Done about it, perhaps people should take a page out of Whoopie 's book and Apologize, whether it's meant or Not, it's Definitely Called for! Can't say Trump except one slip Up is really being Respectful, Now They Skip over Everything biden and his Family!! If you're going to be a Political Show,be Honest enough to show Both sides!! They never cover killed police Officer's,Beatings, Ambushes, Disrespect, Perhaps Some of these Criminals watching this Show would 🛑 this meyhem!! Never know until you try!! THEY didn't even announce how many White people were killed by Police Officer's, YET Sunny sits there calling out how many blacks were Killed, without even expounding on whether they were trying to KILL the Police, Breaking the Law or if it was a Horrific case like George Floyd or Tyre!! THEY don't believe in closed boarders or guns to Protect oneself, Family, Property!! YOU really need to watch this show without rose colored lenses and Be Honest,Fair and Balanced!! It's getting Old and you're Ruining Barbara Walters Legacy!!