i miss this show so much. up to this day i still remember how happy i was sitting on our comfy bed watching Phineas and Ferb invent crazy and cool things with the fireside girls,baljeet, and Buford while Candace desperately tries to bust her brothers, and the feeling of hope when i'd expect she'll accomplish her goals. Not to mention how cool Perry is everytime he enters the lab. Mr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz is my fave villain, i laugh a lot at his antics and admire his evil creations. It just brings back so many memories and feelings. it still feels very relaxing and entertaining to watch up until now even when i've reached adulthood, the feelings never change. i still remember the songs, like every song in each episode i watch and i still groove and sing to the songs like there's no tomorrow. it was all thanks to this cartoon show that my childhood became a blast. I used to play tons of games like 2d yourself game, 2d dimension video games, or just any phineas and ferb games in general and i feel like on air. if you like to just unwind from all the problems and misery in this current generation, give this a go and i'm sure you'll be taken to a different world. enjoy :D