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I just loved the story and i am a big fan of Shraddha Kapoor and prabhas... If the director didn't taken Shraddha for the role of amrita i may not watch this movie....but i love the concept...and prabhas i am your heart core fan.... If in future saaho 2will come with you both that again i am going to watch with my family and friends tooo...
Till that time congratulations for your movie...and wishing you all the best for future works in the Bollywood and tollywood movies..
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My reaction were continued in every scene whether it's a romantic scene or comedy scene or emotional feels like i wanted to have a season 2 with the same cast.
😭😭😭 It's ending only 2 episode left...oh my eyes 👀 now how can I watch cha-enu-woo my favourite... charector oh..I wanted to have more k dramas of him ... My heart flutters whenever I see him it's my dream to meet him...I don't know when it will be....Oh.... after 4 th feb what I will do...😭😭😭 마지막으로 말하고 싶었던 말은-사랑해 cha-enu-woo 넌 내 사랑이야 ..... love you soooo ... love from India.
True Beauty
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I just loved it so much, nawasch phupantachsee is my favourite i have a big crush on him.actually i feel that if could get the role of kiew(buanalinthp) i just enjoyed it.there's one dream, if i could meet nawasch phupantachsee ♥️♥️