Very strong start but the ending was quite enraging and a lot of the relationships are rushed. Spoilers ahead obviously: after Plato's shot, it seems Jim mourns his death for all of two seconds, then walks away smirking with his new girlfriend. His girlfriend who he met yesterday! I understand that teen relationships move quickly but this is a little ridiculous. It's just not feasible that her boyfriend before Jim dies in a pretty tragic way, recovers from this in all of about 24 hours, and then gets with a new guy she just met. She doesn't act in the least bit upset and just seems to brush it off. Even if their relationship wasn't amazing you'd think she'd at least take more than a day before moving on. It would've been much more realistic if she mentioned his death at all or if a few weeks were allowed to pass which would also let us see a stronger bond between Plato and Jim.