Amazing trailer. Boring movie. All the heretics aside, which weren't shown in the trailer, this 2 hr 35 m movie was basically just a prep for a sequel. A film long & slow yet somehow choppy. The way you get people to enjoy scifi is with humor in the dialogue. As much as I appreciate that the dialogue was kept very serious here, matching the desolate scene, it really didn't need all the heretics on top of that. If this movie is good for anything, it would be to answer the question: What's white privellege? It's Timothy Chalamet playing the Mahdi in an 80's scifi revival while the only job I could possibly get is being an assistant to the white guy on top of the pyramid or his helpers. 2 stars for the 2 times during the whole movie when the plot finally takes off but only to hit a dead end. An hour and 45 minutes of just nothing happening! "If I wasn't a comedian, my life would just be a series of undocumented low points." - Kyle Kinane. "My story is a series of documented high quality desert scenes." - Dune 2021
Dune 2000 was an awesome game tho...